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Scarinci Hollenbeck remains committed not only to providing top-tier legal services but also to regularly providing information and resources to our client base and internet following. Client Alerts provided by our attorneys supply businesses, municipalities, and more with the latest and relevant legal updates that may impact them and how they might be able to proceed.
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On the Move? Take Your New York or New Jersey Business With You post image

On the Move? Take Your New York or New Jersey Business With You

Moving your New York or New Jersey business from one state to another creates a host of practical and legal concerns, but it is possible. If the new state is more business-friendly, the move may actually benefit in the long run. The process of relocating your New York or New Jersey business largely depends on […]

Author: Dan Brecher

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What Happens Now: The Aftermath of DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) post image

What Happens Now: The Aftermath of DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act)

The United States Supreme Court recently struck down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) as unconstitutional. Despite this ruling, there are a number of issues that will result from this decision where the laws of the states will differ. Consider a gay couple, A and B, with a valid marriage under the law of the […]

Author: James F. McDonough

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Detroit Businesses See Bankruptcy as Opportunity for 'Stability' post image

Detroit Businesses See Bankruptcy as Opportunity for 'Stability'

When cities file for municipal bankruptcy protection, public works projects, civil servants, and public institutions typically suffer. In the case of the most recent historic filing, many Detroit businesses see it as an opportunity to gain more traction in an economy that has been unpredictable and sluggish for the last several years. Sandy Baruah, head of the […]

Author: Joel R. Glucksman

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Apple Loses First Round of E-Book Lawsuit post image

Apple Loses First Round of E-Book Lawsuit

Last month, a New York federal judge ruled that Apple conspired to raise the retail price of e-books in violation of U.S. anti-trust laws. “Apple seized the moment and brilliantly played its hand,” said Judge Denise Cote. “It provided the Publisher Defendants with the vision, the format, the timetable, and the coordination they needed to […]

Author: Ken Hollenbeck

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Use Best Practices When Outsourcing Payroll post image

Use Best Practices When Outsourcing Payroll

Many companies, especially small businesses, prefer to use a reputable third-party firm for the task of outsourcing payroll. While this trend may free up more time and energy for business owners to focus on their operations, it can also create stress over tax compliance if owners do not take the proper steps to ensure their responsibilities […]

Author: Scarinci Hollenbeck, LLC

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First Detroit Bankruptcy Hearing Set by Judge post image

First Detroit Bankruptcy Hearing Set by Judge

Legal challenges to a historic petition to file for Chapter 9 municipal bankruptcy continue, as the city braces for the initial Detroit bankruptcy hearing this week. Less than one week after Detroit filed for the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history, the city has requested that U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes suspend pensioners’ lawsuits and prevent new […]

Author: Joel R. Glucksman

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Supreme Court Decision Will Help Employers Defend Title VII Retaliation Claims post image

Supreme Court Decision Will Help Employers Defend Title VII Retaliation Claims

At the end of its term, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a highly anticipated employment law decision regarding retaliation claims under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The ruling is good news for employees, particularly given the recent spike in these types of claims. In University of Texas Southwester Medical Center v. […]

Author: Scarinci Hollenbeck, LLC

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The Plight of Billionaires Looking For New Havens to Shield Assets post image

The Plight of Billionaires Looking For New Havens to Shield Assets

In a recent article in Wealth Management, the author David de Jong and Robert Lafranco describe the difficulty billionaires face in providing a safe haven to shield assets. For example, they point out the troubles of Dimitry Rybolovelev who is Russia’s 14th richest person and is embroiled in a multi-jurisdiction divorce action with his wife. […]

Author: Frank L. Brunetti

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Lance Armstrong Appeals to Court to Dismiss Federal Lawsuit post image

Lance Armstrong Appeals to Court to Dismiss Federal Lawsuit

Representatives for disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong filed a motion in the District of Columbia requesting that the courts dismiss federal lawsuit claiming that he defrauded the United States government by using banned substances in violation of his team’s contract with the U.S. Postal Service. Armstrong asked the court to throw out the Justice Department’s False Claims […]

Author: Anthony R. Caruso

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SEC Moves Away From “Neither Admit Nor Deny" Settlement Policy: What’s Next? post image

SEC Moves Away From “Neither Admit Nor Deny" Settlement Policy: What’s Next?

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently announced changes to its long-standing practice of settling cases on a “neither admit not deny basis.” Under the terms of the SEC’s policy, defendants are not required to admit to the SEC’s allegations of wrongdoing in settlement agreements and consent judgments. However, they are also not allowed to […]

Author: Scarinci Hollenbeck, LLC

Link to post with title - "SEC Moves Away From “Neither Admit Nor Deny" Settlement Policy: What’s Next?"
Patriot Coal To Impose Less Severe Cuts Than It Could Have post image

Patriot Coal To Impose Less Severe Cuts Than It Could Have

Bankrupt company Patriot Coal Corporation recently obtained court permission to eliminate its collective-bargaining agreements with unionized miners. However, the company said it plans to impose less severe cuts than it could under the court’s ruling in order to protect and maintain relationships with its workers. In a statement, the company announced that it has made […]

Author: Joel R. Glucksman

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