Kenneth J. Hollenbeck
201-896-4100 khollenbeck@sh-law.comAuthor: Kenneth J. Hollenbeck|May 21, 2014
The ANPR seeks public comment on whether the EPA should collect and publicly disclose information on hydraulic fracturing chemicals. The public will have 90 days to submit comments.
The ANPR seeks to obtain input on a broad range of issues related to fracking chemicals. Examples of public opinions being sought include:
Once the EPA has collected all the information received during the public comment period, the agency will determine whether it should proceed with the creation of a proposed rule to regulate fracking chemicals and mixtures. Before the rule becomes final and enforceable, the EPA will publish a copy of the proposed regulation and once again seek public comment.
Companies that manufacture, import, process or distribute any chemicals used in any type of hydraulic fracturing should closely review the ANPR. The ANPR also indicates that future regulation may extend to chemical manufacturers and suppliers, as well as those who assist with mixing the chemicals to create the hydraulic fracturing fluids or who inject such fluids into the well to fracture a formation.
If you have any questions about the ANPR discussed above or would like to discuss other environmental matters, please contact me or the Scarinci Hollenbeck attorney with whom you work.
201-896-4100 khollenbeck@sh-law.comThe ANPR seeks public comment on whether the EPA should collect and publicly disclose information on hydraulic fracturing chemicals. The public will have 90 days to submit comments.
The ANPR seeks to obtain input on a broad range of issues related to fracking chemicals. Examples of public opinions being sought include:
Once the EPA has collected all the information received during the public comment period, the agency will determine whether it should proceed with the creation of a proposed rule to regulate fracking chemicals and mixtures. Before the rule becomes final and enforceable, the EPA will publish a copy of the proposed regulation and once again seek public comment.
Companies that manufacture, import, process or distribute any chemicals used in any type of hydraulic fracturing should closely review the ANPR. The ANPR also indicates that future regulation may extend to chemical manufacturers and suppliers, as well as those who assist with mixing the chemicals to create the hydraulic fracturing fluids or who inject such fluids into the well to fracture a formation.
If you have any questions about the ANPR discussed above or would like to discuss other environmental matters, please contact me or the Scarinci Hollenbeck attorney with whom you work.
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