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Donald Scarinci Appointed to NJSBA’s CLE Advisory Committee

Author: Scarinci Hollenbeck, LLC|June 2, 2017

Donald Scarinci was selected to serve on the New Jersey State Bar Association’s (NJSBA’s) Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Advisory Committee.

Donald Scarinci Appointed to NJSBA’s CLE Advisory Committee

Donald Scarinci was selected to serve on the New Jersey State Bar Association’s (NJSBA’s) Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Advisory Committee.

Donald Scarinci was selected to serve on the New Jersey State Bar Association’s (NJSBA’s) Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Advisory Committee.

Donald Scarinci - Constitutional Law Attorney

The Committee’s purpose is to facilitate the production and delivery of quality CLE programs for the benefit of New Jersey attorneys generally and NJSBA members in particular, and to make recommendations to the NJSBA Board of Trustees in connection with NJSBA’s CLE activities. This includes including delivery of services, programming, pricing and budgetary issues. The Committee also has oversight of the NJSBA’s compliance with appropriate CLE rules to ensure the NJSBA maintains its CLE accreditation.

Scarinci frequently lectures on Constitutional law for the New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education (ICLE), and creates programs on constitutional law, using actors portraying historical characters like James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Theodore Roosevelt.  Scarinci’s seminar with Thomas Jefferson and John Adams was recently ranked by members of the New Jersey Bar as among the most popular ICLE seminar of the year. He also writes a weekly column about current United States Supreme Court decisions for the Constitutional Law Reporter, an educational legal blog that updates regularly on case law and current events pertaining to constitutional law. The site also has educational information on U.S. Supreme Court Justices, Chief Justices and information about important Supreme Court cases. In addition to his new role on the CLE Advisory Committee, Scarinci will continue his longstanding participation in the NJSBA Local Government Law Section.

About Donald Scarinci:
Donald Scarinci is the Founding Partner of Scarinci Hollenbeck. He writes and lectures extensively about Constitutional Law and edits the award winning, The Constitutional Law Reporter. His practice focuses on representing public institutions and businesses that interact with government.

Donald Scarinci Appointed to NJSBA’s CLE Advisory Committee

Author: Scarinci Hollenbeck, LLC

Donald Scarinci was selected to serve on the New Jersey State Bar Association’s (NJSBA’s) Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Advisory Committee.

Donald Scarinci - Constitutional Law Attorney

The Committee’s purpose is to facilitate the production and delivery of quality CLE programs for the benefit of New Jersey attorneys generally and NJSBA members in particular, and to make recommendations to the NJSBA Board of Trustees in connection with NJSBA’s CLE activities. This includes including delivery of services, programming, pricing and budgetary issues. The Committee also has oversight of the NJSBA’s compliance with appropriate CLE rules to ensure the NJSBA maintains its CLE accreditation.

Scarinci frequently lectures on Constitutional law for the New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education (ICLE), and creates programs on constitutional law, using actors portraying historical characters like James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Theodore Roosevelt.  Scarinci’s seminar with Thomas Jefferson and John Adams was recently ranked by members of the New Jersey Bar as among the most popular ICLE seminar of the year. He also writes a weekly column about current United States Supreme Court decisions for the Constitutional Law Reporter, an educational legal blog that updates regularly on case law and current events pertaining to constitutional law. The site also has educational information on U.S. Supreme Court Justices, Chief Justices and information about important Supreme Court cases. In addition to his new role on the CLE Advisory Committee, Scarinci will continue his longstanding participation in the NJSBA Local Government Law Section.

About Donald Scarinci:
Donald Scarinci is the Founding Partner of Scarinci Hollenbeck. He writes and lectures extensively about Constitutional Law and edits the award winning, The Constitutional Law Reporter. His practice focuses on representing public institutions and businesses that interact with government.

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