Scarinci Hollenbeck, LLC

Donald Scarinci


Donald Scarinci is the Founding Partner of Scarinci Hollenbeck. He writes and lectures extensively about Constitutional Law and edits the award-winning, The Constitutional Law Reporter. His practice focuses on representing public institutions and businesses that interact with government.

Mr. Scarinci is well known for his work in Municipal Law, School Law, Business and Health Care law. He has represented some of the largest municipalities and counties in New Jersey, as well as numerous planning and zoning boards, economic development authorities, school boards, utility authorities, colleges, hospitals and other public entities at all levels of municipal, county, regional and state government.

Mr. Scarinci currently serves as Corporation Counsel to the City of Union City and the Town of West New York. He previously served as counsel to the New Jersey State Assembly and as counsel to the Democratic members of both the Congressional and Legislative Redistricting Commissions in New Jersey. Mr. Scarinci is one of approximately 100 New Jersey Attorneys designated as a Diplomate in Municipal Law. He has served as a Trustee of the Institute of Local Government Attorneys for almost two decades.

Mr. Scarinci is the author of “David Brearley and the Making of the United States Constitution,” a historical biography about David Brearley, signer of the Constitution from the State of New Jersey and the first Federal District Court Judge for the District of New Jersey (1789). He also authored, “Redistricting and the Politics of Reform,” published in 2010.

In addition to distinguishing himself as an attorney, Mr. Scarinci is recognized internationally as an authority on coins and medallic art. Since 2005 he has served at the pleasure of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States on the Citizens Coinage Advisory Commission, the committee created by Congress to review and approves all designs that appear on American coinage. His most recent book “Coin of the Year”, Celebrating Three Decades of the Best in Coin Design and Craftsmanship was published by Krause Publications in July, 2015.

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