Scarinci Hollenbeck, LLC, LLCScarinci Hollenbeck, LLC, LLC

Award in Favor Of Union Beach will Aid Rebuilding After Sandy

Author: Scarinci Hollenbeck, LLC|July 11, 2013

Award in Favor Of Union Beach will Aid Rebuilding After Sandy

Scarinci Hollenbeck Attorneys Achieve Outstanding Interest Arbitration Award for Union Beach

[The] award… will aid the Borough as it rebuilds from Hurricane Sandy.

Lyndhurst, New Jersey, July 11, 2013:
We would like to congratulate Scarinci Hollenbeck attorneys, Ramon E. Rivera and Christina M. Michelson, for successfully obtaining an Interest Arbitration Award in favor of the Borough of Union Beach (“Borough”) in the Interest Arbitration between the Borough and Police Benevolent Association, Local 291 (“PBA”). Union Beach was devastated by Hurricane Sandy in 2012 and sought significant concessions in order to deal with the fiscal challenges of Hurricane Sandy. “We are pleased with the decision,” said Michelson. “The matter was heard before Arbitrator Frank Mason and his award contained several cost-saving measures that will aid the Borough as it rebuilds from Hurricane Sandy.”

Arbitrator Mason provided that the interest and welfare of the public was a key factor in his award. Arbitrator Mason stated that “[t]he unforeseen spectrum of damages to property and personal and public buildings and businesses has created demands for services and assistance by the Borough to an unprecedented level of costs.” In response to these unprecedented demands, Arbitrator Mason awarded a four and half (4½) year agreement with the following salary increases:  July 1, 2011- September 30, 2011 = 0%; October 1, 2011 = 1%; September 1, 2012 = .75%; March 1, 2013 = 1.25%; March 1, 2014 = 1.25%; and February 1, 2015 = 1.5%. In addition, Arbitrator Mason’s decision provided that vacation, longevity, and sick leave accrual were frozen for all current employees. For new hires, Arbitrator Mason eliminated longevity and capped sick leave accumulation at $15,000. Arbitrator Mason awarded most of the Borough’s economic proposals and will save the Borough significant funds immediately and in the future.

Award in Favor Of Union Beach will Aid Rebuilding After Sandy

Author: Scarinci Hollenbeck, LLC

Scarinci Hollenbeck Attorneys Achieve Outstanding Interest Arbitration Award for Union Beach

[The] award… will aid the Borough as it rebuilds from Hurricane Sandy.

Lyndhurst, New Jersey, July 11, 2013:
We would like to congratulate Scarinci Hollenbeck attorneys, Ramon E. Rivera and Christina M. Michelson, for successfully obtaining an Interest Arbitration Award in favor of the Borough of Union Beach (“Borough”) in the Interest Arbitration between the Borough and Police Benevolent Association, Local 291 (“PBA”). Union Beach was devastated by Hurricane Sandy in 2012 and sought significant concessions in order to deal with the fiscal challenges of Hurricane Sandy. “We are pleased with the decision,” said Michelson. “The matter was heard before Arbitrator Frank Mason and his award contained several cost-saving measures that will aid the Borough as it rebuilds from Hurricane Sandy.”

Arbitrator Mason provided that the interest and welfare of the public was a key factor in his award. Arbitrator Mason stated that “[t]he unforeseen spectrum of damages to property and personal and public buildings and businesses has created demands for services and assistance by the Borough to an unprecedented level of costs.” In response to these unprecedented demands, Arbitrator Mason awarded a four and half (4½) year agreement with the following salary increases:  July 1, 2011- September 30, 2011 = 0%; October 1, 2011 = 1%; September 1, 2012 = .75%; March 1, 2013 = 1.25%; March 1, 2014 = 1.25%; and February 1, 2015 = 1.5%. In addition, Arbitrator Mason’s decision provided that vacation, longevity, and sick leave accrual were frozen for all current employees. For new hires, Arbitrator Mason eliminated longevity and capped sick leave accumulation at $15,000. Arbitrator Mason awarded most of the Borough’s economic proposals and will save the Borough significant funds immediately and in the future.

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