Scarinci Hollenbeck, LLC, LLCScarinci Hollenbeck, LLC, LLC
Bruce Feffer
Profile background
Business Card


Bruce Feffer


Bio Overview

Based in New York City, Mr. Feffer has 30+ years of experience representing numerous clients in buying, selling, financing and leasing all types of properties, including condominiums, houses, factories, warehouses, retail space and office buildings. He represents real estate developers, construction firms, property management companies, co-op corporations, condominium associations, and residential and commercial building owners and tenants.


  • Brooklyn Law School, J.D.
  • New York University, B.A.


  • New York

U.S. District Court(s):

  • Southern District of New York
  • Eastern District of New York


  • Borough of River Edge Municipal Land Use Board, Member
  • New York City Contract Dispute Resolution Board, Member
  • NY Council of Cooperatives and Condominiums, Member


  • Based in New York City, Mr. Feffer has 30+ years of experience representing numerous clients in buying, selling, financing and leasing all types of properties, including condominiums, houses, factories, warehouses, retail space and office buildings. He represents real estate developers, construction firms, property management companies, co-op corporations, condominium associations, and residential and commercial building owners and tenants. Mr. Feffer is a trained mediator, having completed Basic and Advanced Mediation Training through the New York State Bar Association. He has also represented clients in mediation and arbitration proceedings.

    Mr. Feffer also serves as general legal counsel to private corporations and not-for-profit organizations, handles commercial transactions, and advises his clients on corporate governance and operations issues. He is a Professional Member of the New York Council of Cooperatives and Condominiums.

    Actively involved in the Asian-American community, Bruce is a recipient of the Agent of Change Award; and the Dream of Equality Award from Asian Americans for Equality (AAFE) in recognition of his three decades of service to the Asian American community in the areas of real estate, economic development, small business assistance, and voting rights. In addition, he has served on the Board of Directors of the Manhattan Chapter of the Asian Real Estate Association of America (AREAA) and is Legal Advisor to the American Chinese Real Estate Society (ACRES). He also represents clients from Hong Kong, China, and throughout Asia.

    Mr. Feffer is a regular spokesperson and lecturer on legal issues and has conducted classes and seminars for numerous organizations including The Learning Annex (“Advanced Foreclosures”), Lorman Seminars (“Real Estate from A to Z” and “Landlord-Tenant Law”), Valley National Bank (“Commercial Leasing”), The National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (“Surviving the Mortgage Meltdown”), The Greater New York Chamber of Commerce (“Commercial Leasing”), and more.

    In addition, Bruce was a featured panelist at the 2014 Global Real Estate Summit (“Working With the Foreign Investor”) and a Panel Moderator at the 2015 and 2016 East Meets West Luxury Real Estate Summit (“The Role of China in the New York Real Estate Market”) in New York City, sponsored by the Asian Real Estate Association of America (AREAA). In 2021, he was a featured panelist on the webinar. “NYC Multi-Family Properties: How to Keep the Profit and Avoid the Problems!”

    • Represented Hong Kong corporation in the purchase of 65-story Manhattan office building
    • Represented developer in establishing a 35-unit residential condominium in Flushing, NY
    • Represented developer in establishing 48-unit and 16-unit residential condominiums in lower Manhattan
    • Represented not-for-profit organization in the purchase of multiple rental apartment buildings in Manhattan and establishing a 22-unit condominium in Queens, for the preservation of affordable housing in New York City
    • Represented manufacturer in the purchase of a 75,000 s.f. warehouse and factory in Brooklyn, and subsequent leasing and development contracts
    • Represented commercial property investor in the purchase of a 19,000 s.f. art warehouse in Queens
    • Negotiated on behalf of small business owner to obtain a one million dollar buyout of its lease from the building owner
    • Represented a U.S.-based food wholesaler in the 60 million dollar sale of its business to a large international food and beverage company based in Korea
    • Represented the owner in the sale of a 16-unit apartment building in Manhattan
    • Represented the buyer of a publishing factory/warehouse in Walkill, New York
    • Represented owner of a Manhattan apartment building in a 48 million dollar mortgage refinance
    • Represented not-for-profit organization in a 25 million dollar mortgage refinance to support 88 units of affordable senior housing in Manhattan
    • Represented developer in obtaining a 25 million dollar construction loan for a condominium development in Edgewater, New Jersey
    • Served for two decades as the Court-appointed Referee in hearings related to the liquidation of Midland Insurance Company, involving over one billion dollars in assets

    * Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

  • Justice in Housing: Know Your Rights” Webinar

  • Bruce Feffer 傅华先生以合伙人身份加入 Scarinci Hollenbeck 律所商业地产业务团队。

    在纽约,傅华(Feffer)先生拥有 30 多年的从业经验,为无数客户买入、卖出、融资并租赁各类产业,其中包括各种公寓、住宅、工厂、仓库、商铺和办公楼。他曾担任房地产开发商、建筑公司、物业管理公司、合作公寓楼、共管公寓协会及住宅和商用建筑所有者与租户的法律代表。傅华(Feffer)先生还担任着民营企业和非营利性组织的总法律顾问,为其处理商业交易,并为客户提供关于公司管理和运营方面的建议。他还是纽约合作公寓与共管公寓委员会的专职委员。

    Bruce 活跃在亚裔美国人社区,曾获亚洲人平等会 (AAFE) 的变革推动者奖、平等之梦奖 (Dream of Equality Award),以表彰其在美国亚裔社区服务三十余年,在房地产、经济发展、扶持小企业和投票权方面的卓著功劳。此外,他还是美国亚裔房地产协会曼哈顿分会 (AREAA) 的董事会成员,及美中地产协会 (ACRES) 的法律顾问。他还有很多客户来自香港、中国大陆及亚洲其他地区。

    傅华(Feffer)先生经常担任法律事务的演讲嘉宾与讲师,为众多组织开设课程和研讨会,包括习技公司 Learning Annex(“进阶止赎课”)、洛曼教育Lorman Seminars(细数房地产“家珍” 和“房东租客法”)、硅谷国家银行(“商业租赁”)、全美西班牙裔房地产专业人士协会(“如何从次贷危机中幸存下来”)、大纽约商会(“商业租赁”)等。

    此外,Bruce 还是 2014 年世界不动产峰会(“携手海外投资者”)的主讲嘉宾和纽约 2015年 与 2016 年东西豪华房地产峰会(“中国在纽约房地产市场所扮演的角色”)的访谈主持人,后者由美国亚裔房地产协会 (AREAA) 主办。2021 年,他担任了在线研讨会“纽约市多家庭住宅:如何保持利润并规避问题!”的主讲嘉宾。












    “国际房地产交易”,长岛房地产经纪人协会北岸分会 (LIBOR)



    “房地产投资趋势”,亚洲金融协会 (AFS)

    “美国房地产交易”,美中房地产协会 (ACRES)




    亚洲人平等会的 平等之梦奖






    • 代表香港公司购买 65 层曼哈顿办公大楼
    • 代表开发商在纽约法拉盛创立 35 单元的住宅共管公寓
    • 代表开发商在曼哈顿下城创立 48 单元和 16 单元住宅共管公寓
    • 代表非营利性组织在曼哈顿购入多栋复式出租公寓,在皇后区创立 22 单元的共管公寓,以保护纽约市的经济适用房
    • 代表生产商购入布鲁克林 75,000 平方英尺的仓库和工厂,并负责后续租赁和开发合同
    • 代表商业地产投资者购入皇后区 19,000 平方英尺的艺术仓库
    • 代表小型企业家与大楼业主协商,以一百万美元买断租赁权
    • 代表一美国食品批发商以 6000 万美元将其业务卖给韩国大型国际食品饮料公司
    • 代表曼哈顿一 16 单元公寓楼业主售出整栋公寓楼
    • 代表客户在纽约沃尔基尔购入一出版商工厂兼仓库
    • 代表曼哈顿公寓楼业主办理 4800 万美元的抵押贷款再融资
    • 代表非营利性组织办理 2500 万美元的抵押贷款再融资,以支持其位于曼哈顿的 88 单元老年经济适用房
    • 代表开发商获得 2500 万美元建设贷款,用于建设新泽西埃奇沃特的共管公寓
    • 在美联保险公司清盘,涉及逾十亿美元资产的相关诉讼中,担任法院指定的仲裁法官二十余载

No Aspect of the advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court. Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

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