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Michael A. Cifelli invited to Participate in 26th Annual Masters of Trial Advocacy Retreat

Author: Scarinci Hollenbeck, LLC|October 7, 2014

Michael A. Cifelli invited to Participate in 26th Annual Masters of Trial Advocacy Retreat

Michael A. Cifelli was invited by the Academy of Trial Lawyers of Allegheny County to present a case study at its 26th Annual Masters of Trial Advocacy Retreat on October 2, 2014, in the matter of Patterson v. Irvington Board of Education– a negligence case against a New Jersey school district for alleged lax discipline procedures, which led to a violent assault in a school bathroom that caused severe brain damage to one student. Mr. Cifelli was counsel for the defense, and was invited to speak along with counsel for the plaintiff and the judge who presided over the trial in October of 2011.

Michael CifelliThe three and a half hour case study included a presentation of the plaintiff’s case, a presentation of the defense’s case, an examination of liability issues, controlling case law and statutes, damages, and an analysis of the case presented at trial. The presentation also included an active question and answer session from audience members, among which were seasoned trial attorneys, Pennsylvania State Court Judges and United States Federal Court Judges.

The Annual Masters of Trial Advocacy Retreat presents cases that are relevant to national issues and also “provides its members with the unique education program involving participants in a high profile case.” Prior case studies by the Academy included examinations of the Lockerbie Pan Am Flight 103 bombing trial and the O.J. Simpson civil case, including participating counsel in those trials. Mr. Cifelli was among those honored with an invitation this year.

The Academy of Trial Lawyers of Allegheny County is an association of Trial Lawyers. The Academy is made up of 150 Plaintiffs’ attorneys and 150 Defense attorneys, and is dedicated to camaraderie among its members from the plaintiff’s bar and the defense bar and to foster a close working relationship with the judiciary in matters of judicial administration. Membership into the Academy is by invitation only.

Michael Cifelli practices in the areas of civil and criminal litigation. In civil litigation, Mr. Cifelli practices with an emphasis in employment law, civil rights litigation and complex tort matters. He has and continues to litigate cases before administrative agencies, state courts and federal courts. He has successfully defended employers and employees in the public and private sector against alleged discrimination, constitutional violations, wrongful discharge, breach of contract, harassment, and other employment-related claims. Mr. Cifelli has furthered his litigation experience by representing public and private entities in commercial litigation cases.

Mr. Cifelli also practices in the area of criminal law, both as prosecutor and defense counsel. He has been a municipal prosecutor for 14 years combined for two New Jersey Municipalities. During his experience in criminal litigation, Mr. Cifelli has conducted numerous trials in criminal and quasi-criminal cases.

Michael A. Cifelli invited to Participate in 26th Annual Masters of Trial Advocacy Retreat

Author: Scarinci Hollenbeck, LLC

Michael A. Cifelli was invited by the Academy of Trial Lawyers of Allegheny County to present a case study at its 26th Annual Masters of Trial Advocacy Retreat on October 2, 2014, in the matter of Patterson v. Irvington Board of Education– a negligence case against a New Jersey school district for alleged lax discipline procedures, which led to a violent assault in a school bathroom that caused severe brain damage to one student. Mr. Cifelli was counsel for the defense, and was invited to speak along with counsel for the plaintiff and the judge who presided over the trial in October of 2011.

Michael CifelliThe three and a half hour case study included a presentation of the plaintiff’s case, a presentation of the defense’s case, an examination of liability issues, controlling case law and statutes, damages, and an analysis of the case presented at trial. The presentation also included an active question and answer session from audience members, among which were seasoned trial attorneys, Pennsylvania State Court Judges and United States Federal Court Judges.

The Annual Masters of Trial Advocacy Retreat presents cases that are relevant to national issues and also “provides its members with the unique education program involving participants in a high profile case.” Prior case studies by the Academy included examinations of the Lockerbie Pan Am Flight 103 bombing trial and the O.J. Simpson civil case, including participating counsel in those trials. Mr. Cifelli was among those honored with an invitation this year.

The Academy of Trial Lawyers of Allegheny County is an association of Trial Lawyers. The Academy is made up of 150 Plaintiffs’ attorneys and 150 Defense attorneys, and is dedicated to camaraderie among its members from the plaintiff’s bar and the defense bar and to foster a close working relationship with the judiciary in matters of judicial administration. Membership into the Academy is by invitation only.

Michael Cifelli practices in the areas of civil and criminal litigation. In civil litigation, Mr. Cifelli practices with an emphasis in employment law, civil rights litigation and complex tort matters. He has and continues to litigate cases before administrative agencies, state courts and federal courts. He has successfully defended employers and employees in the public and private sector against alleged discrimination, constitutional violations, wrongful discharge, breach of contract, harassment, and other employment-related claims. Mr. Cifelli has furthered his litigation experience by representing public and private entities in commercial litigation cases.

Mr. Cifelli also practices in the area of criminal law, both as prosecutor and defense counsel. He has been a municipal prosecutor for 14 years combined for two New Jersey Municipalities. During his experience in criminal litigation, Mr. Cifelli has conducted numerous trials in criminal and quasi-criminal cases.

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