Scarinci Hollenbeck, LLC

Carleigh Stiehm-Wenik


Carleigh Stiehm-Wenik is a member of the firm’s litigation department.

Prior to joining the firm, Carleigh served as a Judicial Clerk in the chambers of the Hon. Christine M. Vanek, J.A.D.  As a Judicial Clerk, Carleigh worked on a wide variety of cases before the Appellate Division of the Superior Court of New Jersey, including civil, criminal, family, municipal and state agency matters.

Carleigh earned her Juris Doctor from Fordham University School of Law in New York, NY.  While in law school, Carleigh was a member of the Fordham Law Moot Court Board, a Decennial Fellow at the Center on Law and Information Policy, and the author of a published note for the Fordham Environmental Law Review.  Carleigh previously served as a Judicial Intern in the chambers of the Hon. Jack M. Sabatino, P.J.A.D., during his temporary assignment to the Supreme Court of New Jersey.  She also interned in the chambers of the Hon. Michael A. Hammer, U.S.M.J., in the District of New Jersey.

Before attending law school, Carleigh enjoyed a career in digital media and magazines.  She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Duke University in Durham, NC.

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